About Me

I am an accredited life coach with the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring (IAPC&M). Accreditation is very important as it assures you that I work to internationally recognised standards. 

My Story

I worked for 25 years in the health service, until during a very stressful time in my life I started getting severe joint pain, stiffness, and extreme fatigue. I didn't know what was going on. I was always so reliable and attention to detail was important to me. I found it impossible to concentrate and worried I would make an error. 

I discovered that I had Lupus with secondary Fibromyalgia. Stress was my biggest trigger. I would have to learn to micro-manage stress for the rest of my life. After extensive sick leave, I decided to take early retirement. This was a soul-destroying moment for me as I watched my career and the colleagues I worked with for so long disappear overnight. I felt invisible to the world in which I lived. 

I had 2 children to raise and support. I also did not want them to grow up thinking their Mam, no longer had a true purpose. I knew I had to find the kind of self-designed home-based project that was flexible, allowed me to be there for my children, and was fulfilling.

My degree was in Biomedical Science. I also trained for four years in Biodynamic Psychotherapy. What was I going to do with my life now? 

Then, a friend put language on what she saw I was naturally good at 'Intuitive Listening'. Immediately, I researched other areas, in which I could use that valuable skill. I came across Life Coaching and knew that this was for me. I trained part-time, and became accredited. I began my lifelong journey of helping others find their true potential, balance and peace.

A whole world opened up for me.  I discovered so many ways to help others find balance in their lives.

I expressed gratitude for the struggles I had in my life because they brought me down this path of fulfilment.

Discover amazing things about yourself through our coaching conversations, mindfulness practices and exercises. Take the first step.



Why Integrative Wellness Coaching?

Integrative wellness coaching is a holistic approach to finding balance of mind, body and spirit. This approach resonates with my intuitive nature and grounded support for clients. Increase your well-being, by bringing balance to the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body. You will live a happier and healthier life.


Why work with me?

If you are struggling with finding your purpose or the greater meaning in your life, come and work with me. Together we can unpack your story and create sustainable peace and balance.

If your gut feeling is that your life could be better, then it is probably true. Listen to that inner voice and start your journey of discovery today. 

Start Your Journey Towards Personal Growth Today

Ready to unlock your potential and achieve your goals with the support of a dedicated coach? Take the first step by contacting me.

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