Explore the Power of Words 

Words have the incredible power to inspire, heal, and transform. Dive into the world of writing with me and discover the magic of self-expression.

My Journey Through Writing

Writing has become a love affair for me. From my personal experiences to insightful reflections, I share them all in my writing.

I always loved to journal and even the procurement of beautiful journals filled me with joy, the covers, the soft paper, the anticipation of what I would write in them.

I often take for granted what I have written in my journals because its freestyle and in the moment. It wasn't until I started writing my first book that I found the content extremely insightful. I had written straight from my heart and as I read back my own words I felt how aligned they were with the message I was trying to convey. A message of peace and balance.

I have several journals:






I reach for a particular one at different times and I allow time to sit with my last entry. This I do regularly with my gratitude journal as it is so uplifting to read back over positive statements of gratitude, if I feel that life is an up hill battle.

Within the pages of my journals are both painful and joyful insights. But they also remind me of how far I have come. This is important because if we don't acknowledge and celebrate our small achievements along the way then it is difficult to remember how we got there.

Journaling in coaching is essential because it gives you this safe space to write down your thoughts and feelings. You have evidence of the work you are doing and it becomes a reference point. We can process our thoughts and feelings more easily and there are always unexpected insights.

From my journals beautiful prayers and meditations were written. I use these when I coach clients and it gives me great satisfaction to use my creative writing for the benefit of my client's and myself.





Express Yourself with Courage

Writing is a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Have the courage to express your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations on paper, and watch as your authenticity shines through.

My writing journey was filled with self doubt. The 'Am I good enough?' came up on a daily basis. Wasn't I supposed to write for a few minutes every day? How could I do this when this voice in my head kept laughing at me, criticising me and draining me of any creative thought.

I started asking myself whose critical voice is this anyway. We would all like to say it must be a parent. But this voice was so strong and persistent it could not have been just one person. It was every authoritarian voice I had encountered through home, school, church and society. It is not surprising I felt paralysed.

So I began to question the voices, calling them out and recognising the subtle differences between them. Was I such a bad writer, was I really  boring, was what I had to say irrelevant? What was the worst that could happen? 

I made a decision to write as often as I could no matter what and I used the following tips to hold my courage and find inspiration:

  • I embraced my human story.
  • I switched the negative self talk for believable statements, one statement at a time e.g. I can write a word, a line, or a paragraph everyday and it doesn't matter if it is good or bad. I am still writing.
  • Creative thinkers are not afraid to take a risk and express new ideas.
  • I set a clear daily intention to appreciate the powerful impact writing can have worldwide. This was truly powerful.
  • I meditated for 5 minutes before writing so I had clarity of thought.
  • I brought my authentic self to the keyboard.
  • I did not criticise myself for slow days and instead got out into nature and recharged my soul.
  • I joined supportive organisations like www.irishwriters.ie and www.irishwritersunion.org  and I started to believe in myself.
  • I subscribed to a writing and publication coach newsletter www.publicationcoach.com 

So these are but a few ways that you can find your courage and do it anyway. What you have to say is important and I for one would love to hear your voice.

Keep going, don't look back, you are on the right path for you.


Make Coaching Accessible Through Words

It has always been my goal to reach as many people as possible with my coaching. I felt that some of the insights I have had, need to be shared with others. Why would I keep them to myself? Everyone deserves a peaceful life. The more people that find that peace, the better our lives will be and it has to start with you.


Through my writing, coaching becomes accessible to all, guiding you towards a balanced and fulfilling life. It fills me with joy to think that thousands of people will read my book in time and take away what is valuable to them from it. I am also excited that you have found my website and that some of my thoughts will resonate with you. You can take comfort in the knowledge that I want you to live a life that fills you with joy too.


The intention behind my writing is to be personal. Honesty about myself and honesty about the work I do. As the weeks unfold I want to bring thoughts and ideas that will help you experience a more positive life. A thought provoking life and one that is full of real connection to yourself and the people around you.



Coaching for todays world

As we live through several wars and human life has become  unforgivably dispensable, I want to bring hope and peace of heart to people. 

The more people that are engaged in slowing down, connecting to their essential selves, their true values, the greater the chance of a ripple effect of worldwide peace.

This also extends to our planet and our relationship with it. We have had a self destructive relationship with our natural world and it is time we recognised our own dysfunction and misguided view of progress.


It saddens me that during an unparalleled time of homelessness, houses, schools and hospitals have been bombed to the ground. Men, women and children forced to live in unsanitary conditions with no hope of returning to their homes. How can this be a solution or resolution?


Coaching is one of those spaces where you can increase your self-awareness and other-awareness.  It is not enough to talk just about your goals and how to achieve them. We must also talk about the impact your decisions will have on you, your family, community and global partners which includes nature. The time of painstakingly trying to convince others has passed. Each and everyone of us has greater power than we are prepared to access. 


For me Nature has always been a place of solace. It has been my comfort and protection. Nature is that quintessential good mother that no matter what you have done or said she awaits with open arms to tell you it will all be fine. Even when we try to destroy her, she sends us reminders of her unconditional love and resilience. It inspires me to forgive myself and others. 


Our approach to the climate emergency has been filled with resistance. Yet I see people fleeing the cities to get to the ocean well into the winter season. I do it myself because I can feel the strength and power of the ocean and it reminds me of my purpose.

Most of all we need to connect with that wild energy. We are not separate from it. We are in it and of it. Next time you are in nature stand still and feel the connection between all things and ask yourself . Do you really want to loose this? Do we stand idly by and allow it to be destroyed?



A way around rejection

One of the hardest parts about writing is the inevitable experience of rejection. Nothing prepares you for the serial rejection emails, the silences in between and the not knowing whether your work is truly rejected. The level of resilience required to try again and remain creative is enormous. How much time should you wait? I think a more important question is 'How much energy should you challenge into the not knowing at all? While you are hyper focussed on the outcome you are in fact blocking a positive outcome and your own creativity. Why? Your focus is not on being creative in the moment, it is trying to predict an outcome in the future. So because you are not content in the here and now, you are operating from a place of lack. This attracts more lack in the form of more rejection letters. Rejection is not failure it is an opportunity to look to a new direction.

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