Are you feeling lack lustre in the run up to Christmas? Many people have said to me that something is missing for them. Is something or someone missing for you?
What emotions do you feel in the run up to Christmas? What is foremost in your mind? Is this Christmas particularly challenging and if so why is that? Do you dread Christmas? If you do that is ok, many people do.
Some people have said to me that there is so much pressure now between work, family and gifting. Others say they don't know if there will be a Christmas, as they just don't know where the money will come from.
I sense that people's energy is at an all time low when they need it most. Where has our energy and enthusiasm been drained and how can we get back on track?
- Awareness
Bringing awareness to how you are truly feeling is the first step. Acknowledging to yourself that your balance is off. Pause. Pause right now and connect with that part of yourself that feels pulled and dragged. The part that is overstretched and would love to by pass the whole holiday. The part of yourself that does not want to set foot in a shop. The part of you that asks 'why do we do this?
- Re-evaluation
As I pass each house that flashes uncontrollably with super bright lights I long to see a small candle or old style Christmas lights peeping out from behind the curtain of a little house that feels no need to impress anyone. It reminds me to re-evaluate my priorities.
- Boundaries
Being surrounded by family can be very challenging. The thoughts of negotiating the dynamics and trying to remain true to oneself can make you want to boycott the festivities. Be clear on your non-negotiables beforehand. Always allow yourself permission to step away for a break or leave if needs be. Try not to react and take a few deep calming breaths to ground yourself.
- Swop out stress
Is putting yourself under extreme financial stress the way you want to celebrate Christmas? Swop out that stress for getting into alignment with your financial wellbeing goals.
- Acceptance
Accept yourself for who you are. Respect yourself regardless of whether you can live up to societal pressures at this time of year. Don't wait until the New Year to put in motion one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and the people around you, self-acceptance.
- Compassion
If you don't show compassion to yourself then it is very difficult to demonstrate it to others. Be kind to yourself. Surround yourself with a blanket of love and peace. You will soon be feeling joy. Share that feeling with others.
- Gratitude
There is always room for gratitude even when things are very tough. Find that something, no matter how small and record in your journal what it is you feel grateful for. Tomorrow find two things you are grateful for. A life of gratitude is a life of true abundance.
- Set Intentions
Instead of dreading your New Year resolutions, set intentions for the coming year e.g show random acts of kindness to the people you work with, to plant a garden starting with a pot of hyacinths, wrap up and take a mindful walk and forest bathe once a week.
- Honour your loss
If you are grieving this year because of war, illness, an accident, death, retirement, bankruptcy, loss of home, loss of freedom, divorce/separation, letting go, my heart goes out to you. I pray that your heart finds peace and that you take the opportunity to give silent space to your loss without getting lost in it.
What would help you most this Christmas? Do you need to take a step back? Do you need to re-connect with yourself and trust by setting clear boundaries with yourself and others that you will have a happier and healthier holiday. Do you need support? Christmas is a time of giving. It doesn't have to be presents. So if you need help, ask for it even if you feel too proud. If know you can help someone else then that is truly a wonderful gift.
So maybe we all need to find that thing that makes Christmas truly special for us and share it with others. It cannot be bought and it is part of who you are and how you bring the spirit of Christmas to life. When I was a child my mother would light candles in every window. I now carry on that tradition to welcome the birth of the baby Jesus. The candle light welcomes people to my home but also lifts the spirits of those passing. We don't know the story of another person but we can certainly make it easier for them.
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